Pinewood raw Block Board

We make the Pinewood Raw Block Board from Rectangular Pinewood small strips. The Strips are usually 15mm to 36mm in thickness. Then glued together using adhesives like Urea formaldehyde and plastic resin under high-pressure conditions. After the gluing process, the blocks are left in the sun for naturally drying in order to reduce the moisture and water content. The moisture content is reduced to 10-12%. Pine raw block board from Marvel timber Exporters has an immense load-bearing capacity, lightweight nature and low bendability and these block boards are perfect for Doors, Flush Doors, wall panels & walls partition, Heavy top tables woodwork in railway carriages etc. Marvel timber Exporters block boards are extensively appreciated amongst our clients for their best-in-class quality raw materials. Manufactured using similarly rigorous standards and processes as per the industry standards and these Block Boards are available at affordable prices. 

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P.O. Box 45222, District Mufindi, Ward Kinyanambo, Ofisi Ipo Karibu Na Kituo Cha Mafuta Cha Cf Mafinga, Region Iringa.



+91 9833446949 +91 9833368629

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